Sunday 9 August 2009

HK RC Typical Details

Hello everyone!

Long-windedness and Engineer don't mix well, so I'll make my introduction short: I'm going to publish the typical details for the RC superstructure works in this blog!

The aims of these typical details are, as expected, to have a clear and accurate drawings for both construction and statutory submission. They should be buildable, non-ambigious, compliance with current codes, and no conflicts among the details. The less obvious reasons, but certainly very important issues, are to have details which covers all kind of situation (to save time to issue site instructions), to cover all kind of minor details (to avoid VO) and to make everything which BD/ASD/Housing required to be gathered in one place!

Enjoy! I'll start with the "Laps and Anchorages" in the next few posts, then followed by slabs, beams, columns and walls!

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